Make your supplier part of your value chain and optimize on quality and cost.
We offer you full solutions in supplier Management by

* offering asian supply base as a one stop shop
* from design to packing in one hand
* supporting your development team to design for manufacturing
* supplier scouting and assessment
* translating your needs into hard specifications
* onboaring of your new supply partner
* Industrialisation and mass pro preparation
* Release and ramp up of production
* auditing your supplier frequently
* developing your supply partner on quality and cost engineering
* complaint management and improvements

What can I add to your business?

I am a specialist for supplier -scouting, -management and development with focus on pragmatic solutions without losing focus to your targets and can offer you more than 24 Years experience in consumer industry and 14 Years in supplier management of global supply base. Working with excellent asian supply base and offering high end performance on making your project happen.

Make your supplier partner within your value chain

My approach for success is to integrate your supplier into your processes. Linking the manufacturer to your development team in early phase of project will enable to design in Quality and Cost Engineering. This will safe costs by reducing fall offs during your assembly and finally eliminate complaints at your end customer.


Lets start your way to success with a talk….

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Consulting on entering ASIAN supply base

I am now able offering a solid asian supply base for production of your Products or sub assemblies with highest quality level. Good innovation to market support and managing your requirements towards our supply base. Solid support from design to packing – one stop shop.